Thursday, July 24, 2008

More Santa Fe photos! These three photos are from Doris, one of the fun women I met in the workshop. She is from Florida.

One obvious image is a sunset....that color is not enhanced in any way! We saw that one evening after coming out of a restaurant.

The "Doris Blur" is a photo Doris' daughter took of her Mom in mid-flight jumping off the platform of one of the art exhibits at SITE Santa Fe "Lucky Number Seven" 2008 Biennial. The artist is Piero Golia and the piece is called "Manifest Destiny".
When you encounter the drop-off, you must choose to jump or not jump. (You can walk back and take the stairs down). The act of jumping interrupts the physical space of the gallery ramp. For me, it represented a literal "leap of faith" jump off is to let go.

The photo with the turquoise-blue shirted fellow is of another exhibit at SITE, this one is an amazing interactive video installation by Studio Azzurro; it's called "The Fourth Ladder".
The dark shape in front is a real person....the two people above her are projected onto the wall and appear to "walk" up the incline. Touch an image of one of the people projected on the wall and the image of the person (Guy in turquoise shirt) turns and speaks to you.


I have no idea how they did it but it was amazing.
More Santa Fe photos soon!

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